Thursday, 17 April 2014

Remain Fit with Personal Training Programs

A personal trainer can be of immense help in helping you to achieve your fitness goals. However, it is important to choose a personal trainer wisely. Here are few rules on how to hire the best trainer for you.

Start your Search

A personal trainer prepares a perfect workout plan for you, walks you through the training program, helps you in using the equipment and guides you with diet tips. If you have decided to remain fit with the help of personal training in a gym, then start your search.

Almost in every gym, you can find a number of personal trainers. You have to search for a gym that has a proven track record. You can search online and read the reviews and feedback from customers and make a decision in choosing the right gym with a trainer personal trainer.

Motivation Factor

Choose a personal trainer who can motivate you. Losing those extra pounds or to build the muscles you desire do not happen with a magic wand of a personal trainer. You have to be as dedicated as your trainer. However, a good personal trainer constantly motivates you with various motivation techniques.

Discuss with your Trainer

Almost all personal trainers claim to be efficient but you have to look for the certification of the gym and also discuss your goals with the trainer. You have to make sure that the personal training offered by a gym caters to your needs. Also discuss your medical condition with your trainer and see if there are some specific exercises that you have to avoid in case of some health problem. Professional trainers have various tested techniques for different types of fitness aspirants. 

Monday, 14 April 2014

Keeping Your Body Hydrated During Exercises

Water constitutes ¾th of our body’s weight and is required to maintain the optimum metabolic and chemical reactions in the body. The slightest changes in the levels of the body can result in dehydration. This can further affect the rate of heart and even body temperature to a great extent. Dehydration can prove dangerous in many cases if unattended to. You can seek assistance from expert trainers offering personal training in Vancouver.

Negative Effects of Dehydration

Dehydration can have adverse effects on your metabolic activities. The cardiovascular activities, chemical and metabolic reactions, body temperature regulation and elimination of waste are among the various functions of the body that are hampered by poor hydration. One can even face emergency situations such as nauseas, vertigo, headache and muscle cramps where medical attention is required.

Body Hydration During Exercises

For athletes and trainees who are following a particular fitness regime or for anyone who exercises, need to keep their body properly hydrated at all times. Especially, during the workouts, it is important to note that proper hydration of the body is a must. One needs to gulp down plain natural water or a quality energy drink before the workouts. Although it is not advisable to drink water during exercises, frequent breaks are recommended where one can consumer fluid. Again, it is important to keep your body hydrated post exercises.

When To Seek Medical Attention

Rush a patient immediately to a hospital emergency if the following signs or symptoms are evident:
·         Lethargy
·         Confusion
·         Headache
·         Difficulty breathing
·         Seizures
·         Chest or abdominal pains
·         No urination in last 12 hours
·         Fainting
 Fever higher than 103°F

Therefore, it is advised to ensure that your body is properly hydrated before, during and after the exercises. Keep a bottle of normal water or a top quality energy drink with you while you exercise. Remember not to consumer water in excess as it can also result in water intoxication.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Choose a Personal Trainer in Vancouver

If you want to achieve your fitness goals under expert guidance, you should opt for personal training in Vancouver. However, you have to see how capable and experienced the trainer you choose is. You have to check the background and also check the feedback of individuals who have already taken training under a particular trainer. There many other things that you have to ask your trainer before you choose to undergo personal training.

Know your Trainer

It is very important to know your trainer. In personal training, you and your trainer should understand each other. When you want to join a gym and undergo personal training, you have to ask your trainer about how long it will take to lose weight or increase your muscle size or to achieve other fitness goals. It will help the trainer to understand your needs and you will also be getting an idea on how your trainer considers the fitness plans.


When you plan to exercise by yourself, you might not be motivated continuously. However, a perfect personal training Vancouver expert will constantly motivate you to exercise continuously sticking to the training program. In addition, the personal trainer corrects your posture and makes sure that you make no mistakes in weight training or other exercises planned for you.  

A personal trainer studies your health condition, your fitness goals and plans a blend of exercises that suits you. It is important to stick to the plan to achieve your goal.

Many professional gyms offer various fitness programs, including personal training. You can choose one of the reputed gyms in your area to meet your fitness goals.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Benefits of Personal Training Revisited

Time and again, the benefits and scope of personal training are discussed in length at various platforms. It is pretty understandable for one fact that expert and personalized training helps in understand the body and requirements of an individual than at a group level. Anybody who is looking for expert guidance needs to catch up with a personal trainer who has been there and done that!

Expert professional personal training has evolved in the recent years with more and more athletes and expert trainers offering their services. From the best of fitness enthusiasts to renowned athletes, personal trainers have diversified. One can find even nutritionist and fitness pundits finding place on the personal trainer benches.

Despite all this, the main reason that most of us seek professional assistance of a personal trainer is because we are shy to sweat it out in a group. Most overweight people find it difficult to work out in a group when they can do the same in the comfort of personal training. They can actually squat and jump and feel more fine tuned with non-diverted attention from their trainer.

The core concept of training is based on the fact that the teacher and the disciple need to be one with another. They have to establish a bond and an understanding that will help them in the long run. Hence, personal training helps an individual in understanding their body type, fitness level and goals with the help of a seasoned trainer. They can also focus well on their aim and work hard to achieve it through personalized training.